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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

10 Things I Love About The Film Industry

I get disillusioned. My disillusionment often strikes hardest at the things I most cherish. This suggests to me that maybe my disillusionment has more to do with my own worldview than with actual external conditions. So, in an effort to see the world in a more balanced light:

(in no particular order)
1.) It is the Golden Age of Zombie Movies - "Resident Evil" (2002), "28 Days Later" (2002), "Dawn of the Dead" (2004), "Shaun of the Dead" (2004), "Land of the Dead" (2005), etc.

2.) Netflix - a kid in rural Montana can watch a double-feature of "I Dismember Mama" (1974) and Pasolini's "The Gospel According To St. Matthew" (1964) whenever he feels like it.

3.) "Tarnation" (2003)

4.) Desktop Filmmaking has matured - anyone who really wants to make films can.

5.) Easy Global Distribution of films via the Internet - anyone who really wants to distribute films can.

6.) The Resounding Failure of the recent spate of studio remakes.

7.) The New Asian Cinema

8.) The Documentary Boom, especially of political and agit-prop movies , and their wide distribution via DVD.

9.) Star Wars has been put out of its misery. Hasn't it?

10.) And I have completed a new feature script.

Ah. I feel better already.


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