Being a cheerful sort, I am often heard to exclaim "Boy, am I having a blast!". Or "This is going to be a blast". Or maybe I'll say to friends going on a holiday "I hope you two have a blast." But, when you think about it, there is really nothing fun about a blast.

This morning there were four blasts in my beloved London. At this writing, is reporting a death toll of 37.
Already several prominent world leaders have spoken, briefly but admirably, about the four blasts, underscoring how the blasts make clear the evil of THEM and the bravery and courage and strength of US.
Nothing like a vicious blasting to boost the collective self-esteem.
Almost makes me want to become a full-time victim of blasting. Maybe...just maybe...I could begin to manufacture my own blastings, which would make clear just how brave and courageous and strong I am on an ongoing basis. This would also continue to build a case for how evil are those who are not me, which is no less important. It's straightforward logic: If those who are not me are evil, then I, who am me, am not evil. Right? This may, I understand, cause those who are not me some temporary grief. But the important thing is to build my self-esteem, first, I think. Yes. Then once I gather the proper inspiration, direction, purpose, and will, I can really go about solving some of these terrible pressing problems of mine, which, I think we can all agree, will be a help to everyone, to all of us. Even a help--in the long run--to those who are not me. After all, it's a known fact among students of psychology that one cannot help others until one helps oneself. On a crashing plane I have to put my own mask on before being able to help the little boy or girl beside me with his or hers. Yes. That's the ticket.
To recap: What is the best hope for a happy and prosperous you? A happy and prosperous me!
Let's get blasting.

This morning there were four blasts in my beloved London. At this writing, is reporting a death toll of 37.
Already several prominent world leaders have spoken, briefly but admirably, about the four blasts, underscoring how the blasts make clear the evil of THEM and the bravery and courage and strength of US.
Nothing like a vicious blasting to boost the collective self-esteem.
Almost makes me want to become a full-time victim of blasting. Maybe...just maybe...I could begin to manufacture my own blastings, which would make clear just how brave and courageous and strong I am on an ongoing basis. This would also continue to build a case for how evil are those who are not me, which is no less important. It's straightforward logic: If those who are not me are evil, then I, who am me, am not evil. Right? This may, I understand, cause those who are not me some temporary grief. But the important thing is to build my self-esteem, first, I think. Yes. Then once I gather the proper inspiration, direction, purpose, and will, I can really go about solving some of these terrible pressing problems of mine, which, I think we can all agree, will be a help to everyone, to all of us. Even a help--in the long run--to those who are not me. After all, it's a known fact among students of psychology that one cannot help others until one helps oneself. On a crashing plane I have to put my own mask on before being able to help the little boy or girl beside me with his or hers. Yes. That's the ticket.
To recap: What is the best hope for a happy and prosperous you? A happy and prosperous me!
Let's get blasting.