Labor Day

Today is also the first day in a week that my brother woke up in a bed.

Today we celebrate.
You can totally see images of Neal (on the left) and Janet on the day they "hooked up" by clicking their respective addresses.
- By Rob, at
Tue Sep 06, 07:52:00 AM BST
Janet looks like the Virgin Mary. Could this have been the attraction?
- By Neal Romanek, at
Tue Sep 06, 06:36:00 PM BST
Well then... happy "hook up" anniversary!
- By Athena Stamos, at
Wed Sep 07, 05:45:00 PM BST
Let me clarify my reply above. Janet looks like the Virgin Mary IN THE PICTURES ROB POSTED. She doesn't necessarily look like the Virgin Mary in real life. But on the other hand who knows how the Virgin Mary looked? But then again, the Virgin Mary was only 14 when she got pregnant know, Janet and I are older than 14 so there's bound to be some difference. Say, does that make the Holy Spirit a child molester?
- By Neal Romanek, at
Thu Sep 08, 12:46:00 AM BST