Things You Can Shout #2
It's fun to shout things.
Some things are more fun to shout than others.
Today, the thing I would like to shout - and I invite you to shout it too, if you enjoy shouting things - the thing I would like to shout is:

I intend to shout this for the rest of the day. At the top of my lungs.
So if you're out & about and you hear someone shouting "Dispatch War Rocket bring back his BODY!!!" - why, that's ME! Say hi. I may not answer because I'll be busy shouting. But I want you to know now that your acknowledgement means a lot to me.
Well, I'm off. Got to get shouting...
- other things you can shout -
Electric Blog
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Normally, I weed out the loathesome spam commentary like the one above. But this one made made me laugh too much.
Flash Gordon?
I like, "Commander tear this ship apart until you found those plans and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!"
"Commander tear this ship apart until you found those plans and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!" is only good if, after shouting it, you immediately stride out of the room with purpose.
As a matter of fact, I think it's a fully "stride-based" shouting maneuver:
(stride purposefully into room)
"Commander tear this ship apart until you found those plans and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!"
(stride purposfully out of room)
Oh, and yes indeed, the line is from Flash Gordon" (1980). So if you are shouting it, it's best if you can shout it like a woman with a Russian accent. Why a woman with a Russian accent? I don't know. I guess because it was 1980.
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