Bronze Beauty Returns!

Or at least recovered. She wasn't truly "returned". There wasn't a note attached saying "Here's your car back. Thanks. Oh, by the way, we're keeping the Thomas Guide and the radio faceplate and some of the catfood that was in the trunk. Hope that's cool. See ya round" - although that would have been very sweet.
Our beloved brown Toyota Camry - dubbed "The Bronze Beauty", because she is neither beautiful nor bronze - was picked up at 1403 Oak Grove Drive in Highland Park, only blocks from where she was stolen. Naturally, the LAPD are going door to door in the neighborhood looking for leads and say they will not rest until the criminals are apprehended, found guilty, and sent to Texas for sentencing.
The car seems undamaged - a little traumatized perhaps, having been maneuvered by unfamiliar hands, but all her parts are intact.
The car thieves - or shall we just call them "The Terrorists" - also took the registration and other vital paperwork out of the glove compartment. But fortunately, they left behind The Club. So that's good.
I think we're going to start using our Club more often.