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Monday, January 23, 2006

21st Century History in the Movies

God bless you - and loads of it - for downloading yesterday's rabbit + crow vid No. 1.

It really is thrilling to eat cheese & crackers at 6 and have shared it with the entire planet Earth (aka "Planet of the Crazy, Highly Dangerous, Tailless Monkeys"? - see Weekly Poll in the sidebar) by 7. Hell, all this new machinery nowadays makes a body feel like he's living in the FUTURE! Living in the goddamn 21ST CENTURY!!

Movies - whether about cheese & crackers or no - often foretell the future in accurate and very accurate ways.

Here are:

10 Movies About The 21st Century
(with the years they chronicle)
  1. "2001: A Space Odyssey" - 2001
  2. "2010" - 2010
  3. "Blade Runner" - 2017
  4. "Rollerball" - 2018
  5. "The Island" - 2019
  6. "Soylent Green" - 2022
  7. "I, Robot" - 2035
  8. "Minority Report" - 2054
  9. "Star Trek: First Contact" - 2063
  10. "Total Recall" - 2084

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