New New Beverly Sked

I'm always happy to see the new New Beverly schedule. Creaky chairs and cockroaches aside, it is still the best art theater in Los Angeles. No panel discussions with Naomi Watts at the New Beverly. Leave that nonsense to the Cinematheque. No $20 per person (ticket + popcorn) to see "La Cercle Rouge". Leave that bullshit to the Nuart.
When I look at the New Beverly schedule - this month on one side, next month on the other - always on 11x17 paper folded in half (this month lavender 11x17 paper) - I project ahead like a Santa-trusting 5-year-old and imagine all the wonderful nights ahead, all the double-features in my future, breathing in all those movies I've been meaning to see for years but just haven't gotten around to.
Then reality hits.
Then I remember the last time I looked at the New Beverly schedule. I remember the excitement I felt then. I remember my grandiose plan to finally see "The Conformist". And I remember how it never happened. How it was all a dream. Only a dream.
In that same spirit I look over the wonderful schedule now. Grim, sad, heavy, I think back to the last time I walked through the doors of the New Bev. Two years ago was it? More? It was for the two "Kill Bills", I think.
I thought I'd share some snapshots of the new schedule - movies that I wish to see at the New Beverly, am excited to see at the New Beverly, but will, let's face it, never see at the New Beverly.
I encourage you to go to the New Beverly this month. See some of the movies pictured here, if you can. And tell them I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry.
And tell them I can't wait for the next schedule to come out.