New T-Shirt - C is for Ceratopsian
The new Rabbit + Crow design is available now!
This month, in the wake of our "What's Your Favorite Ceratopsian?" poll, we present the world's premiere t-shirt featuring silhouettes of the major Ceratopsian dinosaurs. I think we can confidently declare that no other t-shirt featuring silhouettes of the major Ceratopsian dinosaurs matches this one in quality and superbness.

Of course, the design doesn't stop at mere chest adornment! At the Rabbit + Crow Shop you will also find Ceratopsian coasters, stickers, posters, mugs, as well as a selection of underpants with three different horny Ceratopsian designs from which to choose from.
This month, in the wake of our "What's Your Favorite Ceratopsian?" poll, we present the world's premiere t-shirt featuring silhouettes of the major Ceratopsian dinosaurs. I think we can confidently declare that no other t-shirt featuring silhouettes of the major Ceratopsian dinosaurs matches this one in quality and superbness.

Of course, the design doesn't stop at mere chest adornment! At the Rabbit + Crow Shop you will also find Ceratopsian coasters, stickers, posters, mugs, as well as a selection of underpants with three different horny Ceratopsian designs from which to choose from.