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Saturday, February 11, 2006

30 Words To Describe The Beloved

Here is a list of 30 adjectives describing The Beloved:
  1. Slow
  2. Blind
  3. Clean
  4. Simple
  5. Adorable
  6. Holy
  7. Just
  8. Fair
  9. Kind
  10. Humble
  11. Reverent
  12. Selfless
  13. Enlightened
  14. Visionary
  15. Temperate
  16. Realistic
  17. Wise
  18. Developed
  19. Generous
  20. Loving
  21. Human
  22. Big-Hearted
  23. Curative
  24. Civilized
  25. Light
  26. Angelic
  27. Straightforward
  28. Honest
  29. Inquisitive
  30. Mild

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