rabbit + crow Bits & Shows

The rabbit + crow blog is now podcasting!
And you know what the means!
Yes, you do. You know!
You know, and we know you know. And you know we know you know.
It means: not only are we posting downloadable mp3's and video here on the r+c blog, but that we are making audio and video available through an RSS feed that you can capture via a PODCAST AGGRAVATOR. Most people use the iTunes!
Paste this URL ...
... into the window which appears after selecting "Subscribe To Podcast" under your iTunes's "Advanced" menu (unless you aren't using iTunes, in which case do the same kind of thing, but with whatever aggravator solution you're using instead of iTunes).
Then when we record new rabbit + crow Bits & Shows, you'll be the first to know - not just the first to know, but the first to HEAR and to SEE. O, glory be!
When we post video and audio content, we will still make it available right here in a blog post too. If you don't want to mess with all that iTunes nonsense, and if you're a regular reader anyway, just download all that right from the blog page. The rabbit + crow blog will always be here for you.
Always - with open beak and gyrating ears, twitchy nose and a thunderous caw - just for you.