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Monday, February 06, 2006

Yearly Haircut

The last haircut I had was in 2004.

No, that's not true.

The last haircut I had was at 3:30 this afternoon (Pacific Time).

The haircut previous to that was in 2004. December. Before my wedding.

I am, have been, a scruffy fellow. But no more of that. No. From now on, I'm spic and span, a man with a plan.

Here's the before & after of that bright, cool December day a year and two months ago...

Here's how I looked yesterday...

And today ...

Things are going to be different from now on.

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You look GREAT! Sometimes you just need a change.

- By Blogger djn, at Tue Feb 07, 01:41:00 PM GMT  

Thanks. It was long, long overdue.

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Tue Feb 07, 05:42:00 PM GMT  

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