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Friday, March 24, 2006


Is DrunkMunky the greatest blog yet created?

I declare that it is!

Yes! Yes, sir, I do declare it! I do declare it, sir! And I will speak further, sir! Yes, indeed, sir, I shall speak further! It is my considered opinion, sir, that DrunkMunky has taken the .gif to its highest aesthetic expression, sir! Yes, sir, I say its highest expression, sir! And you shall not sway me from this opinion, sir! And neither shall that impertinent fish-wife up the stairs! And now, I say good day to you, sir! And with pleasure I say good day to you both, sir! To you both! ...

(Mr. Toddlepeck pulls his hat on and exits into the street with his lower jaw jutting like the prow of one of Her Majesty's merchant vessels...

... then, returning for but one more moment)

... And I urge you to go and see DrunkMunky for your self, sir! Yes! For your self! ...

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