Podcasting of the Imagination
Dinosaurs have eaten our podcasts.
We are dosing the scaly fellows with gallon upon gallon of syrup of ipecac in the hopes that we will reacquire the new podcast and have it up and running in the next 24 hours.
We urge you all to stay home and repeatedly check rabbit + crow Bits & Shows for this newest and very marvelously great new example of podcasting goodness, which we have expertly entitled ...
Please, please, stay off the streets. There are dangerous prehistoric animals about.

We are dosing the scaly fellows with gallon upon gallon of syrup of ipecac in the hopes that we will reacquire the new podcast and have it up and running in the next 24 hours.
We urge you all to stay home and repeatedly check rabbit + crow Bits & Shows for this newest and very marvelously great new example of podcasting goodness, which we have expertly entitled ...
"Eye Sockets Island of the Imagination"
Please, please, stay off the streets. There are dangerous prehistoric animals about.