Comic-Con Countdown

I'll be down there all weekend - from Thursday morning to Sunday evening - and will be staying in a hotel downtown. If you want to hook up down there, write me at and we'll work something out.
I do Comic-Con hard. If I'm not attending some lecture or panel discussion, I'm on the floor, roaming, circling - like a shark - like a dopey, slack-jawed, bipedal shark. Look for me. I'll have a t-shirt on.
Neal's Comic-Con 2006 To Do List:
- Pitch comics stories/scripts to publishers.
- Ruthlessly interview illustrators & artists for rabbit + crow Comics.
- Try not to buy armloads of things that I will have to get rid of in a few months anyway.
- Chant to myself "Remember, thou art married" whenever I see young women dressed in skimpy fantasy & superhero costumes.
- Attend as many programs and panels as possible without bursting my brain - starting with "Myths For The Modern Age?" on Thurs., July 20 at 10:30 am (room 7B).