Micronauts #12
Some kids collected X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Spiderman.
But not me, no.
Me? Me collected
Micronauts comics. Why? Because Micronauts put the mechanics of a complex, sci-fi universe (or micro-verse!
TM) first, and heroic fisticuffs second.

And issue #12 was one of the great influences on my young life - an issue entirely devoted to the mano-y-mano battle between Prince Acroyear and his treacherous outcast brother, Shaitan.
When I was at
Comic-Con 2006 and saw the original inked cover of issue #12 at one of the booths, I immediately determined that it was not something that I wanted to buy. But it was imperative that I photograph it - an imperative to which I did submit.
The helpful, sympathetic fellow at the booth, which sold primarily original art from comics and illustrated media - said I was not the only one whose bells rang at the sight of that cover.
I liked X-men, The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, and anything with Wolvering (except his own comics, they always had shitty art). The artwork was one of the reasons I would collect a comic.
I did like X-Men, of course. And Conan. And Star Wars, of course. I didn't collect them regularly though.
Golden's Artwork was epic. I had the toys when i was bit younger. I hit the jackpot when I Dad took me into a bookstore on a trip up to grandma's house. X-Men 129, 130, Micronauts 10-12 and Ironman 135 all in one shot. I was hooked.
Really great stuff. A top artist.
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