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Monday, December 25, 2006

10 Childhood Xmas Gifts

10 Great Christmas Gifts I Received As A Child

  1. Kenner Death Star Playset (with trash compactor & green, rubbery Dia Nogu)
  2. William Stout's "The New Dinosaurs"
  3. Large plastic American versions of Shogun Warriors (Mazinga & Dragun)
  4. Revell Endangered Species model kits (white rhino, california condor, komodo dragon & mountain gorilla)
  5. a taxidermied monitor lizard from Thailand
  6. Space 1999 Eagle spacecraft (huge plastic one with action figures)
  7. "Jaws Of The Shark" (thrilling LP of 3 shark-related adventure stories)
  8. Marx Renegade "Sam Cobra" wild west figure
  9. "Sounds To Make You Shiver" (scary LP of haunted house sound fx)
  10. a sword

jaws of the shark lp


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- By Blogger Rob, at Tue Dec 26, 04:13:00 AM GMT  

I loved the shogon warriors! I hope you and J had a very "happy" Christmas. (merry over here) If you want to see the same reaction i had to the Shogun, you can check out www.photos.yahoo.com/hsbuyer and see my sons reaction to his train set. Have a terrific New years.

- By Anonymous Art, at Fri Dec 29, 12:22:00 AM GMT  

Medieval Women Calendars don't count as childhood gifts, although I was certainly child-ish when I received them (and I still wear my child-ishness proudly)

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Fri Dec 29, 03:23:00 PM GMT  

And Art, I am completely jealous of the Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, not to even mention the utterly cool WWII Bomber pajamas.

I want some WWII Bomber pajamas!

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Fri Dec 29, 03:31:00 PM GMT  

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