Comic-Con 2007 - Souvenir Book Submissions
Last year, Comic-Con - and it's Souvenir Book - celebrated the 100th birthday of Conan creator Robert E. Howard - read the rabbit + crow Robert E. Howard tribute) - the 75th anniversary of "Dick Tracy", and the 50th anniversary of the debut of The Flash - which some would argue begins the so-called "Silver Age" of American comic books.

- 100th Birthday of artist Milton Caniff, creator of "Terry and the Pirates" and "Steve Canyon"
- 100th Birthday of Tintin creator, Hergé
- 100th Birthday of sci-fi author Robert A. Heinlein
- 30th anniversary of "Star Wars", which is a movie from the 70's
- 25th Anniversary of the the Hernandez Bros. indy comic "Love and Rockets"
"For 38 years, Comic-Con has produced a Souvenir Book that commemorates the event. Over the past few years this book has grown to be a 160-page wonder, chockfull of articles, art, special guests' biographies, and more. Best of all, it's given free to all attendees, along with the separate show schedule, the all-important Events Guide.
Each year, Comic-Con solicits articles and artwork from professionals and fans alike, based on the anniversaries and themes we're celebrating (see the list above).
The deadline for submissions is April 16, 2007. Artwork and text pieces cannot be accepted after April 16."
Get on it!
Labels: comics and illustration