"After Hell" & The Paradise of Audio Drama

Labels: audio drama, Cyclopedia Of Worlds, horror, media production, sci-fi
Labels: audio drama, Cyclopedia Of Worlds, horror, media production, sci-fi
Fans & students of "The Cyclopedia of Worlds" will notice that we've taken the "beta" mark off the home page.
Of course, the sci-fi site - presented in the format of a reference tome written 500 years from now - is nothing like finished. Nor will it ever be finished - unless we run out of stars, and run out of planets around those stars, and run out of people to live, love, work, and die on those planets. But the design of the Cyclopedia is sufficiently stable so that we can now go to adding entries and images and all manner of thrilling sci-fi content without worrying about how the layout and technology are going to behave.
We, of course, welcome comments at "The Cyclopedia". And we urge you to browse frequently since it is updated continuously, with new entries and images added all the time.
The above panoramic image is of the planet Mersia Sia and its largest moon. Mersia Sia was home to the headquarters of the merciless Expansion Period warlord, Michael Portland - aka Michael Bloody Wednesday. The Pantheon of Michael Bloody Wednesday, where the warlord is buried, is one of the most frequently visited landmarks in the Coral Agency.
Labels: Cyclopedia Of Worlds
Labels: Cyclopedia Of Worlds, pictures
Labels: Cyclopedia Of Worlds