"After Hell" & The Paradise of Audio Drama

Labels: audio drama, Cyclopedia Of Worlds, horror, media production, sci-fi
Labels: audio drama, Cyclopedia Of Worlds, horror, media production, sci-fi
- Flying Space Saucer Space Ship
- Planet of the Anal Probes
- Bob Lazar & Area 54
- "Cheddar"? Or "Probe"?
- Horrifying Alien Stand-Up Comedy
Labels: podcasts, sci-fi, Wretched Goo Of The Imagination
- Banth
- Barsoom
- Dejah Thoris
- Kerchak
- Mahar
- Pellucidar
- Phutra
- Sabor
- Tars Tarkas
- Tarzan
Labels: sci-fi, Top 10 Lists, writers
10 New Planet Names for the Star Wars Galaxy
Honorable Mention: Planet Kasdan
"I have chosen to test the station's destructive power on your home planet of Cirrhosis."or
"What of the reports of the rebel fleet massing near Angelina Jolie?"
"You must learn the ways of the Force, if you are to come with to Scapula."
"Our scoutships have reached Tandoori. They found the remains of a rebel base, but they estimate it has been deserted for some time."
Labels: sci-fi, Star Wars, Top 10 Lists
"OSHA's mission is to assure the safety and health of the Galaxy's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health."
TO: Governor Tarkin, G.M.
CC: Adm. Motti, (10 others) ...
BCC: ...
FROM: Inspectors #239, #9662, #0882 - Imperial Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Dear Governor Tarkin:
We view with grave concern the staggering systematic safety and health failures on the new Imperial battle station called the "Death Star". We regret to say we will be recommending a complete suspension of operations to address these safety concerns. And unless all the following problems are remedied within the next fiscal year, we will recommend the battle station be shut down permanently.
Our concerns include, but are not limited to, the following:
As you know, there is a case pending against the firm that designed this so-called "ultimate power in the Universe". We have received reports of at least 140 employees dying in falls which could have been prevented by the simple installation of railings and balustrades. No doubt many more falls have gone unreported. Some have complained that the cost of putting up railings throughout the station after the fact would be prohibitive. Be warned: the station WILL be shut down unless railings are installed.
It is our opinion that this drop in safety standards is a predictable result of "no bid" contracts.
Supposedly the first line of defense against intruders, the Death Star's compliment of Stormtroopers is woefully undertrained. To quote an anonymous source: "These guys can't hit the broad side of a space-barn." In one reported security incident, a dozen Stormtroopers bearing the latest issue blaster carbines, all simultaneously firing, could not hit two unarmored human targets from thirty feet away. Other anecdotal evidence has suggested that in several incidents scores of troops have died at the hands of minimally armed combatants. Employees cannot rely solely on high-tech equipment. A well-trained employee makes a safe employee.
The Death Star's planet-destroyer super-laser controls are criminally dangerous.
We are appalled that a design made it to construction which requires human Operators to stand within 3 meters of a laser beam packing 90 gigajoules/sec. Operators, in death bed interviews, reported receiving only a minimally protective hardhat and were told by superiors to shield their eyes with their hands "if the beam gets too bright for you".
Among our other concerns:
- Operators are exposed to 10,000 rem each time the super-laser is fired. Exposure to a single blast has resulted in loss of hair and teeth, 2nd degree burns, sterility, and bone marrow disintegration.
- Concern for Operator safety so lacking that Operators do not even receive gloves.
- Again, no handrails. Only a matter of time before a blinded and burned Operator stumbles into the firing shaft and is vaporized.
- Is it absolutely necessary to have controls located inside the barrel of the weapon?
Please put doors on all hangar bays.
We recognize that input from outside consultants - particularly those appointed directly by the Emperor - are vital to the success of the Imperial Strategy. However, Death Star employeees should not be expected to answer to outside consultants who are not employed by Death Star Human Resources. The issue also brings up labor union concerns, and though these are not strictly under our jurisdiction, we believe that the Command & Control structure must stay cleanly defined in order to safely operate such a complex enterprise as the Death Star.
Any intimidation of Death Star employees by these outside consultants - whether via physical or supernatural means - will not be tolerated.
The station has just become fully operational and already waste buildup has reached a condition of substantial biohazard, creating conditions which have allowed large, highly dangerous invertebrates to flourish.
We recommend:
a.) thorough fumigation, deck by deck, of the entire battle stationThere are hordes of tiny four-wheeled robots weaving in and out of the dense pedestrian traffic of the Death Star's main corridors. These are an appalling accident hazard and we are shocked that this has not yet been addressed. You might as well litter the corriders with a thousand randomly placed skateboards. I understand that the new uniform requirement for knee-high boots has helped reduce ankle injuries throughout the Empire, but with these nervous little blighters zipping underfoot, repeated accidents will be unavoidable and costly.
b.) a new sanitation system in which refuse is recycled or disposed of, instead of the current, untenable practice of garbage storage.
We are happy to see that this has been addressed. As stated in previous reports, we viewed with apprehension the lack of standardization in languages used on vital pieces of equipment. There was sometimes English writing printed on vital equipment amidst the standard Imperial script.
Even given a large percentage of bilingual employees, regulations state that instructional language on vital equipment must be clearly readable and easily understood in an emergency. Mixing of languages makes quick apprehension impossible.
We acknowledge your replacement of all English text with the standard Imperial script, and we hope it is an indication that more vital safety issues will be addressed forthwith.
We look forward, Governor, to hearing your plan of action at the closed meeting scheduled to take place after your imminent exercise at the planet Yavin.