I think this may be the Signature Phrase of my 2008.
“Despite heaps of obligations, I have embarked upon” … the 100 Strangers Project.
100 Strangers is a photography challenge in which one is tasked to photograph 100 people one has never met before. The key bit is that the photographer must interact with the subject, speak to them, interact with them, and – horrors! – actually ask the subject if they are willing to be photographed.
I enjoy taking candid shots, my subjects blissfully unaware that their providing scraps for my creative meat grinder. Greeting someone, explaining that you’re a photographer, and then asking if you can take – and post – their picture … much, much harder than I would have thought. You see, they might say “no”. And when people say “no” to me, I take it much, much harder than any mature adult ought to.
But I do love people. I don’t like them all the time, but I do find them strange and marvellous and fascinating.
Check back over the next year and see my stranger roster grow at my Flickr page.
And go to 100Strangers.com to see / learn more.