7 months ago, I reported from Comic-Con that I had seen the most exciting thing ever in my entire life – the preview for the film adaptation of Frank Miller’s “300”.
But these Comic-Con previews can be misleading.
Oh, such excitement and high-hopes I had for “Van Helsing” (2004), which, based on the thrilling Comic-Con 2003 preview, promised to be an exciting revitalization of and tribute to the Universal horror monsters – instead of a sophomoric, very boring idiot-fest, occasionally made bearable by moments of extreme lousiness.
Did I dare get my hopes up again?
I respect Zack Snyder … but do I trust him?
Well, Mike Sizemore has seen “300”.
Mike Sizemore declares: “It is good.”
In fact, Mike Sizemore actually says: “It’s great.”
I am mad with joy!! – or some other equally manly expression.
Read Mike’s review at Londonist.com.
Or … just watch THE “300” TRAILER.
And if, after watching the “300” trailer, you are not completely blissed out with geek-endorphins (or “geedorphins”), then you really have no business being here.