Body JTW-8377/os re:45/661 (per old sys.)
Planet Bau, with moon Rincus
Monologue 1 – Powersander
"You’d be amazed what a power sander can do to a human face. You’d be amazed. You don’t think you’d be amazed. You’re thinking, man, I know you could sand…
Lepus californicus
Normally I wouldn't work on a Sunday, because when you work on a Sunday, God comes and burns down your house. But my conscience, my burning, burning conscience, searing, burning,…
Brush Hare (Lepus saurensis)
Alright, alright.I am forced to confess - pressured by great public outrage - that there is no such thing as the Lepus lupus, the Cutting Hare, aka the Wolf Hare.…
Cutting Hare (Lepus lupus)
Readers know that I am fascinated by the natural world. My wife and I can hardly be asked to dinner without steering the conversation toward the brilliance of David Attenborough's…