Great Movie Beheadings #3, The Return Of The King
There are many good beheadings in Peter Jackson's first-rate interpretation of "The Lord of The Rings" (2001 - 2003). But the one most worth study - because it is the…
There are many good beheadings in Peter Jackson's first-rate interpretation of "The Lord of The Rings" (2001 - 2003). But the one most worth study - because it is the…
Because losing your head is one of the coolest things you can do nowadays, we bring you #2 in our series, "Great Movie Beheadings".Today's beheading takes place in the final…
In an attempt to keep up with the times, we introduce "Great Movie Beheadings". Our introductory beheading takes place at the climax of the great Frazetta-esque adventure, "Conan The Barbarian"…
U.S. President G. W. Bush stated yesterday during his Latin American tour:"We do not torture."I wonder: was he using the "royal we" (also called the "pluralis majestis")?Famed Admiral Hyman G.…
I'm brainstorming ideas for the next feature film screenplay. I think I've narrowed it down to the five best ones. Here are the loglines: Idea #1: "A Second Chance" -…
Until now, not much has been known about Harriet Miers, who has been elected to the highest judicial post in the most powerful nation on earth.But I have done quite…
"OSHA's mission is to assure the safety and health of the Galaxy's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in…
I am a curious sort of fellow - and by that I mean that I possess a curiosity about the mysteries of life. I am especially curious about aspects of…
Normally I wouldn't work on a Sunday, because when you work on a Sunday, God comes and burns down your house. But my conscience, my burning, burning conscience, searing, burning,…
Alright, alright.I am forced to confess - pressured by great public outrage - that there is no such thing as the Lepus lupus, the Cutting Hare, aka the Wolf Hare.…