Tomorrow, my wife starts her new job far away in the wastes of North London.
This means I will be back full time taking care of The Small Child, while being back full time writing a feature motion picture screenplay for great big heaps of worthless American dollars.
I’m a little concerned, of course, because writing is very very hard and taking care of a child is very very very hard. And so I fear my life is about to become very very very very very hard.
Perhaps we need to hire some child care. But do I really want some filthy stranger taking care of my child? Some filthy stranger who takes care of children for money? I mean what kind of person would do that, would take care of a child for money? Disgraceful. They could be foreign too. What if they were foreign? That would be even worse – a filthy foreign stranger who takes care of children for money taking care of my child. I’d sooner leave her with the cats.
Hmmm. The cats.
That may be worth looking into.
They’re affectionate, the cats. And vocal. And robust. And they have excellent values. And they have no felony convictions that I am aware of. So maybe the cats could take care of my daughter from eight to noon while I work. That might work perfectly. I’ll have to check with them. They’re busy cats. They may already be booked.
Script Research Interesting Fact #11: Seville’s cathedral occupies the spot of the great mosque built by the Almohads in the 12th century.