
Is DrunkMunky the greatest blog yet created?

I declare that it is!

Yes! Yes, sir, I do declare it! I do declare it, sir! And I will speak further, sir! Yes, indeed, sir, I shall speak further! It is my considered opinion, sir, that DrunkMunky has taken the .gif to its highest aesthetic expression, sir! Yes, sir, I say its highest expression, sir! And you shall not sway me from this opinion, sir! And neither shall that impertinent fish-wife up the stairs! And now, I say good day to you, sir! And with pleasure I say good day to you both, sir! To you both! …

(Mr. Toddlepeck pulls his hat on and exits into the street with his lower jaw jutting like the prow of one of Her Majesty’s merchant vessels…

… then, returning for but one more moment)

… And I urge you to go and see DrunkMunky for your self, sir! Yes! For your self! …