Hotter Than Previously

Remember a couple weeks ago when I complained about how hot it was here in Los Angeles.

That was foolish. I didn’t know what I was talking about. I was being a cry-baby.

Now TODAY. Yes, TODAY it is hot in Los Angeles.

It is hot and humid and 100 degrees and climbing.

Wait, let me check that.

Wouldn’t want to be called an Exaggeratist.

… checking …

See? I was exaggerating. I am an Exaggerator. I am not to be trusted.

The actual temperature is 92 °F / 33 °C. 35% humidity.

So that’s not nearly as bad as I thought.

I ought to be grateful that I don’t live in San Bernardino County.

And I am. I am really grateful for that. I am really grateful that I don’t live in San Bernardino County. You should be too. Unless you live there. In which case I don’t know what to tell you.

Oh, wait. Yes, I do know what to tell you…


It’s going to be a long afternoon. The doors and windows are shut. The barely functional air conditioner is chugging away, lowering the temperature of a 4 square foot area it beneath by as much as 3 degrees.

Luckily I’ve got my large coffee here to keep me cool.