Our car – stolen.
In front of my wife’s workplace. In the middle of the day.
“The Bronze Beauty”, my wife called her. A Toyota Camry. Her color was technically brown, but we always thought of her as bronze. Bronze is an alloy of copper – usually of copper and tin.
And the theft wasn’t the worst thing to have happened to my wife at work yesterday. Maybe some day she’ll tell you about it.
I am not so much angered or saddened by the loss of The Bronze Beauty. I am more…baffled, and a little curious – eager to see what happens next.
It seems a lot of things are breaking down in our life now – as if some harsh invisible hand were dismantling things – striking the tents – in preparation for…for what?
Our plan had been to move to England next September. Maybe the move will come sooner than we think.
I am a third of the way into Joseph Campbell’s book “The Hero With A Thousand Faces”.
Last night I dreamed of a tsunami. I climbed higher and higher, up to the rooftops, to escape the flood of rising water.