I haven’t seen “300” (2006) yet.
What’s wrong with me?!
All that build up, all those excited posts, the raving about the promo panel at Comic-Con last year! And still, somehow, I have had better things to do than see “300”. And now – barring some screening at the National Film Theatre or some other backwater – I’m going to have to watch it on DVD.
And it’s not like it’s just one more movie that might provide me with a couple hours distraction. It falls exactly within my own oeurvra … my ouevere … my oovre … It’s precisely my kind of thing is the thing what I’m trying to say in French. I am the sword-fightin’ adventure go-to guy – as my manager will almost certainly neglect to tell you.
The same thing happened when “Jurassic Park” (1993) was released. If there’s one thing I love more than broadswords hewing human flesh, it’s dinosaurs hewing human flesh. And I didn’t see “Jurassic Park” until a year after it was released.
Although, in my own defense, I did see it projected in a Los Angeles theater …
… That theater was the New Beverly Cinema.
The shame. The shame.