Obnoxious Jesus Cartoon #1

There has been much ruckus over the solicitation and subsequent printing of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by right-wing Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten.

In Islam – as has also been traditionally the case in Judaism – pictorial depictions of the Divine are sacrilege. The taboo against depicting the sacred and holy is rooted in a concern that a worshipper will begin to turn his or her contemplation toward the finite image presented and away from the inexpressible and eternal Divine.

However in Christianity, greatly influenced by Roman culture, no such taboo exists and the representation of Jesus in art – like those of the great icons of Hinduism – provides an essential arm of Christian meditation – for the image of Jesus crucified is itself a study on the galling marriage of the material and the eternal, to which we must all surrender.

With this in mind, I have set myself to producing a set of obnoxious Jesus cartoons, which I hope many people will find offensive.

Let’s begin…
