Plan For Iran
It's important to plan ahead. You don't want to be caught off guard when the moment comes, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to hang out with. So,…
I keep trying to walk. You need to walk. Everyone I've ever respected has been a walker. My wife is a Walker. I used to walk - not professionally, but…
A 300 Review
7 months ago, I reported from Comic-Con that I had seen the most exciting thing ever in my entire life - the preview for the film adaptation of Frank Miller's…
The DRAKONHEAD Class "venture ships" were built by Livingstone High Enterprise for Your Agency, for use as a multipurpose very-long-range transport.The Drakonhead was used first for outer-solar, then near-interstellar exploration…
Camera Testing
HD camera shoot out on Shepperton's Stage E - with free beer and sausage rolls.
Shepperton Sheep
Went down to Shepperton Studios this past weekend for an HD camera comparison test. Very geeky and very cool.A dozen cameras on Shepperton's Stage E were lined up with helpful…
And so it came to pass…port
So I became a British citizen last month.But the citizenship status is effectively useless, unless you have the passport to back it up. And now I have it. Finally. Finally,…
Models – Too Thin? Too Long?
In London right now there is a lot of talk about how thin fashion models are and how very, very bad it is that they are so thin. I personally…