
A snowy red eyed something decades wandering
tears down a vain angry boy of 30
tears his face away tears him out of his autobiography
then noses south to meet
a dark mountain that wanders the south seas
epimetheus captains insanity three women and many fearful humans manacled

on the full moon 30 becomes a monster mauling his wife
when he comes to he is a suspect
police come friends are trying to trick him
an alcoholic medicine man a vulture medicine man
shows him the news in los angeles
a snowy red eyed something
has killed a little boy
the red eyed something is not evil
30 and the vulture medicine man collect cutlery
and a musket of all things
the medicine man embarrassed to say
sells silver and tourquoise jewelry
by the sea they find the snowy red eyed something
hunting epimetheus he says
if you eat his body
you will not become a mindless wild thing when the moon is full
the something fights epimetheus and loses
the mountain called caucausus sails south
when the moon is full 30 eats animals at the zoo
later he'll find he can take their shapes at will
30 and the medicine man follow the caucausus
follow it through the panama canal
they follow it to africa
and they follow it to the very bottom
of the earth moons come and go
but they fail to sneak aboard.

the snowy red eyed something returns renewed to help
the medicine man kills epimetheus with a thanksgiving carving knife
sterling silver
caucausus sinks into the sea on fire
30 learns
that to have no one or nothing to call your own is a great blessing.