Today is Day 1 of the Screenplay Blitz.
I’ll be hunkering down (been practicing my hunker for days) for the rest of the week to wrestle the new Horror Script into shape. I have the story bones laid out. I intend to flesh them out fast & furious, without thinking too much. Hopefully, that will help to keep it raw and vital and add energy to the scenes. I don’t like overthought horror films. The best horror films convey the sense that you may have been abandoned by the filmmakers, that anything can happen, that you are completely on your own. I will of course go back and polish, polish, polish in later drafts, but – consciously resisting my tendency toward over-caution – I’m going to let it rip with this one.
So I’ve slept in – naturally. That’s how I do it. That’s how I roll up my sleeves and get to work – I sleep in. In a first draft it’s important to stay light. To have fun. To stay out of all judgement – of the work, and of yourself. When the words “I should have” creep in…DOOM.
So I’ll finish my breakfast, open the files, and get this Sandcrawler rolling.
I’ll keep you posted.