Siamese Fighting Triceratops

We bought a Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) today.

Normally, I wouldn’t work on Sunday, because when you work on Sunday, the people who are not working on Sunday sneak around committing heinous treacheries, trying to “get you” when you’re guard is down. But I just wanted to let you all know about the Siamese Fighting Fish, the first vertebrate inhabitant of our new 10 gallon tank.

The new fish is pictured at right.

I have told my wife that I would like to name our first-born son “Triceratops”. I think “Triceratops” is a fine name. She disagrees.

Perhaps I will name the fish “Triceratops”.

And I could name our first-born son “Fighting Fish”? Now that’s a name. “Fighting Fish Romanek”. Yeah. That’s the one.