The Colorado Movie Shootings and The American Dream
I wanted to put down a few thoughts on this week's shooting spree in Colorado at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises. I'll try to put them down freely,…
I wanted to put down a few thoughts on this week's shooting spree in Colorado at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises. I'll try to put them down freely,…
In 2001, I wrote the below piece, "X-Women and Hollow Men", for The Hollywood Reporter, about the explosion of female action heroes at the turn of the 21st century. I…
The Death Of Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes, 1605, plotted to blow up Parliament - his reasons were religious or something - he was Catholic - or Protestant - malcontent –…
So there I was thinking about the future, when I began to worry - very much worry - about the safety of U.S. President George W. Bush - and V.P.…
Here we are in London. Yes, like rats fleeing the sinking ship, we have left the United States of America and have landed on these Shores Of Freedom, this Rock…
Yesterday was Her Majesty The Queen's 103rd birthday."The Queen of what?" you ask."Why, the QUEEN!" I answer indignantly. "The QUEEN! The Queen of all of us! Queen Elizabeth II of…
I'm really worried about Iran lately.Iran has been acting a little kooky.You remember Iran, don't you? Mortal enemies of the Kings of Macedonia. Home of the Prince of Persia. And…
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright! And I pity Any girl who isn't me tonight. I feel charming, Oh, so charming It's alarming…
Here is a list of 30 adjectives to describe The Enemy: Agile Ever-Watchful Dirty Tricky Vile Profane Unjust Unfair Unkind Power-mad Irreverent Self-Centered Unenlightened Reactionary Radical Unrealistic Naive Primitive Greedy…