Martin Luther Texas Ranger Day
Today, in the U.S.A., is Martin Luther King Day.Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot dead by a lone nut in the 1960's.Your chances of getting shot by a lone nut…
Virgin and Child Painting
What can we possibly say? "Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ" (Oil on Canvas, 1913)
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks died yesterday, at the age of 92. The average life expectancy for black women born in 1913 was in the ballpark of 45 years old. What can we…
New Orleans – Mayor Nagin Interview
Below is the transcript of the radio interview given by New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on Thurs., Sept. 2, 2005, on WWL-AM. The transcript begins with Nagin's answer to a…
10 Favorite Autocrats
MY 10 FAVORITE AUTOCRATS(in alphabetical order)1.) Akhenaten, aka Amenhotep IV (1352 - 1336 BC)2.) Alexander The Great (356 - 323 BC)3.) Queen Boudicca of the Iceni, aka Boadicea (died 61…