2005 has been very generous to me, and I am thankful.
To name a very few of the causes for thankfulness:
1.) Have almost completed Year 1 of marriage – and am enjoying the hell out of it
2.) The family computer croaked – which lead to the purchase of a brand new, tears-in-the-eyes-beautiful iMac
3.) Finally got my web presence up & running
4.) Completed a screenplay that’s getting good buzz
5.) Got to attend the Oscars again
6.) My brother emerged from the New Orleans disaster safe & sound
7.) Have not substantially harmed myself or others
8.) Have had food and shelter available every single day
9.) Did not lose a limb or eye or head in an unexpected explosion
10.) Haven’t had to try to extinguish white phosphorus with water from a drainage ditch
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
– Anne Frank, writer