I have finally recovered the Libsyn podcast page from voracious Terrible Lizards.
They brought it up, unscathed, in a series of hair balls. Why Terrible Lizards have hairballs is anyone’s guess.
In any case, you can go to rabbitandcrow.libsyn.com at once and celebrate by listening to rabbit + crow podcasts until you freak right the hell out.
Then check back tonight at 8pm Pacific Time for the newest ripping episode in Neal Romanek’s podcasting adventuredom, entitulared: “Eye Sockets Island Of The Imagination”.
In other news:
One of y’all had asked for more stories and not so many faggy poems and whiny political rants and breezy rambles about my L.A. lifestyle. Happily, in the next weeks I’m making available a few short stories. They’ll be available here, and I’ll also have links to them on the “fictions” link at nealromanek.com.
I may even podcast them for those of you who can’t read. And the blind too. I podcast for the blind.
We’re still waiting for word back from the Comic-Con 2006 crew as to whether or not we will have our Writers Table at the show (July 20 – 23) – “we” being myself and Warren Hsu Leonard of Screenwriting Life. Apparently, Comic-Con have had a record number of applications and there is much back-log and log-jam and back-jam. But time grows short. I grow anxious. I may have to make some calls. Or at least call Warren and have him make some calls.
Comic-Con is a great place for artists and illustrators to meet other artists and illustrators. In fact, you can’t swing a cat without scratching out the eyes of an artist or illustrator. But there is a dearth of good writers. There are lots of passable writers in comics. Not many good writers. So hopefully we’ll be able to help out with that.
Again, check back tonight for the next ” —– of the Imagination” terror-cast.